Advanced Translation Tools (CAT TOOLS)

It’s important to know that when you contact us, you receive not only the finest service – but also translation using the finest translation tools currently on the market. It’s our way of combining our two greatest resources: First-rate personnel and groundbreaking technology.

Since Hever Translations was established way back in 1958, there’s been quite a lot of water under the translation bridge. Throughout our many years of activity, we have made a point of standing at the forefront of technology and made sure that we do not miss any tool or development that allows us to improve ourselves for your benefit.

Using the Finest Technology – For You

Our excellent professionals use the most advanced technological tools and various designated translation programs (CAT tools) Our skilled staff is responsible for operating the software and training our workers and translators in their use, in order to provide you with the finest product at the lowest cost and shortest timetable.

We work with almost every software in commercial use such as Alchemy, SDL Trados Studio, MemoQ, Catalyst and more. These programs are unique in that they use a technological TM (translation memory) and TB (term base), allowing us to maintain uniformity of translation and terminology throughout the work.

We can provide translations in any format and with any software, from the various MS-Office programs, through graphical programs from Adobe, and ending with site files and programs like MXL, HTML and JSON – at your request.

Our graphic department uses the most up-to-date versions of graphical programs from Adobe such as Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop, programs like FrameMaker, CorelDraw, QuarkXPress, various drafting file programs and more.

So what are the advantages of using a translation tool?

  • Managing a unique translation memory (TM) and term base (TB) for each customer and each project, ensuring uniformity in translation over time and consistent use of terminology approved by the customer.
  • Providing a response and the ability to handle original files in various formats.
  • Uniform translation that conveys your message clearly on all different platforms.
  • Reduced costs.
  • Shorter timeframes.

Also when it comes to technology, we understand language, understand culture and understand people – and therefore know how to provide a solution to all of your translation needs, using the most advanced tools available.



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