For this project, we translated AutoCAD drawings for a water pipeline construction project conducted by one of Israel’s largest infrastructure companies. The main challenge was not only linguistic, but also visual and technical. We were required to translate complex engineering terms from Hebrew into English, while contending with strict character limitations and maintaining professional accuracy. The most notable instance was the translation of the Hebrew term “bor” (in the context of an uncultivated area), which has no single-word equivalent in English.
Although the translation of the word as “uncultivated area” was professionally accurate, it created a tricky design challenge. We had to fit a 17-character phrase into a space meant for only 3 characters in hundreds of drawings. To overcome this, we recruited a team of professional translators and expert graphic designers. Their collaboration enabled us to find creative solutions that tailored the translation to the drawings’ graphic limitations without compromising professional accuracy or readability.
This project demonstrated our ability to tackle complex challenges in technical translations, combining linguistic, professional and visual aspects. The end result not only met all of the linguistic and technical requirements, but was also aesthetic and functional in the AutoCAD drawings. This is an excellent example of our expertise in providing a multidisciplinary approach to translations that combines expertise in linguistics, engineering and graphic design.