The holidays are over, it’s back to work – at least let’s drink beer
It’s back to our normal routine. Some will breathe a sigh of relief, others will immediately check how long they have to wait until the next holiday (Hanukkah, in two months, glad we could be of help).
And speaking of an October routine, of course there is the 200- year- old tradition – the Oktoberfest, the largest beer festival in the world!
Maybe they don’t celebrate with an apple and honey, but who says you can’t celebrate with a litre of beer.
Did you know that the Oktoberfest honors the wedding of Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese in the 19th century, and is celebrated at the same location where the couple’s wedding took place? Now that’s tradition for you…
• Beer from only 6 breweries can be served at the Oktoberfest, because the beer must be from the same (six) breweries in Munich whose beer was served at the wedding in 1810. It must also conform to criteria enacted in a law dating back to 1516.
• At 09:00 in the morning the first mugs of beer are already poured, and when we say mugs we mean the 1-litre glasses, the only size served at the festival
• 1300 beer breweries in German produce together about 500 different beer brands. To us this seems sufficient
• About 110 litres is the average number of litres of beer consumed per person per year in Germany
• About 85 billion dollars a year is the value of the beer industry in Germany
In Germany act like a German:
• Do you plan on bringing flowers? Excellent. Just make sure they are not roses (symbolize love) or lilies (given at funerals), and of course make sure that the number of flowers is uneven, and of course not 13. Elementary, isn’t it?
• If you decide to eat fish at a meal with Germans, make sure you only use a fish knife. If such as knife is not offered, use an additional fork, but by no means not a regular knife.
• At business meetings, or when you know a person only superficially, it is customary to refer to them by their family name. It is best to prepare and memorize the last names of those who will be present at the meeting.
• Germans discuss issues in straightforward, clear and practical terms, and thus may be blind to ambiguous messages or to intentions hidden between the lines. Therefore, be sure you explained yourself fully and clearly.
• In Germany, talking to someone with your hands in your pockets is considered a searing insult. Hands hanging freely at the sides of the body is fine.
Here are some days celebrated throughout the world in October, and the appropriate wishes for these days, so that you can maintain good relations with your customers and suppliers abroad:
National Heroes Day in Jamaica, observed on the third Monday in October, commemorates the seven greatest heroes of Jamaica – these seven individuals, each in his or her own way, contributed to the independence and development of modern Jamaica.
On this day the formal flag-raising of the US flag in Alaska took place, after the US bought the Territory of Alaska from Russia. The day is celebrated with marches and festivals. Speaking about purchase prices, for example housing prices in Israel, consider the fact that the United States purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire for the sum of 7.2 million dollars, in one of the strangest real estate transactions ever.
The origin of this holiday harks back to Ireland and the belief that ghosts return to earth at this time. Ghosts or not, children go out dressed as ghosts, skeletons and monsters, knock on doors and ask: trick or treat?
Nunchi (눈치) Korean - signifies the subtle and precise art of listening and emotional intelligence. It is the ability to always say the right thing, in every situation or mental state.
Paleg (Pålegg) Norwegian - everything from sausage, cheese, spread or omelet, paleg is anything you can put in a sandwich.
Depaysment (Dépaysement) French - the feeling of not being at home, of being in a foreign country or place.
Tip from a friend: 3 tools to help you get back to your routine easily and efficiently
Noisli offers background sounds to increase your concentration and efficiency. Among the sounds you can choose you will find the rustling of trees, water of a babbling brook and even the bustle of a café, like the one from the holiday in Italy :)
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Trello enables you to manage tasks and projects between individuals and teams. At any given point in time you can assign tasks to different team members and track their execution through numerous easily-designed tables and lists.